Dubai has a wealth of natural treasures to see in addition to its modern skyscrapers and opulent attractions. One such activity is the Dubai Desert Safari, which combines thrill, culture, and natural beauty. Previously associated with thrill-seeking individuals, desert safaris now welcome families and children. When visiting Dubai with kids, the Dubai Desert Safari would be a wonderful experience. Discover the top five Dubai Desert Safari activities for kids and prepare for an unforgettable desert trip.

The 5 Best Things to Do in Dubai Desert Safari with Your Kids

 1. Dune Bashing: An Exciting Adventure:

Dune bashing is one of the Dubai Desert Safari’s most thrilling activities. In a tough 4×4, ride the golden sand dunes with your kids, mounting steep dunes and descending them. Professional drivers make the experience exciting and safe. Your youngsters will shriek with glee as the vehicle navigates the changing dunes, producing lasting memories of fun and excitement.

2. Camel Riding: Desert Tradition:

Camel riding is a must-do desert activity that gives visitors a real-life look at desert living. The calm, steady pace of these lovely beasts makes family adventures peaceful. As they ride these gorgeous creatures and wander around the desert, kids will be delighted. Camel riding offers great photo opportunities against the sand dunes.

 3. Sandboarding: Dunes Fun:

Sandboarding is enjoyable for families looking for a new adventure. This pastime includes sliding down sand dunes on a dedicated board, like snowboarding. Your kids may enjoy gliding down the dunes with professional instructors, combining adventure sports with the desert’s splendour.

4. Cultural Immersion and Entertainment: Bedouin Camp

A Bedouin camp is essential for a desert vacation. While enjoying a range of activities, family may experience the region’s rich cultural legacy. Henna painting lets kids learn about the craft and have elaborate drawings on their hands. Relax under Bedouin-style tents with Arabic coffee and shisha. Traditional dance performances, including belly dancing, will interest your youngsters and teach them about local traditions.

5. Stargazing: A Celestial Display:

As the sun sets over the desert and darkness falls, a new world of wonder opens up. The Dubai Desert Safari lets families stargaze away from the city’s lights. The clean desert sky sparkle with stars, sparking youthful imaginations. Kids may learn about constellations, planets, and their intriguing history from professional guides. It’s peaceful and mystical, deepening your connection to nature.


The Evening Desert Safari in Dubai promises families memorable moments and enduring friendships in the centre of the mesmerising dunes. Young and elderly may explore the desert as the sun sets and leaves behind golden dunes. From the thrill of dune bashing to the tranquilly of camel rides, the adrenaline rush of sandboarding to the cultural immersion of a Bedouin camp, and the enchantment of stargazing under the desert sky, every activity in the Dubai Desert Safari is designed to inspire joy, wonder, and connection.

The desert comes alive with discovery via children’s laughing over the dunes and their excitement. These unforgettable trips improve parent-child connections and introduce youngsters to nature’s beauty. The Dubai Desert Safari lets families escape the city’s flash and glamour and enjoy the desert’s timeless beauty and treasured moments.

Every sandboard glide, camel step, and starlit stare on Dubai’s Evening Desert Safari lets you enjoy the wonder of discovery with your kids. It’s a tapestry of multigenerational experiences that will inspire wonder and solidarity for years to come. The Dubai Desert Safari features something for every family member, from thrill-seekers to relaxers. Start this voyage of exploration and connection and see your kids’ cheeks light up with adventure, making the Dubai Desert Safari a crucial part of your family’s Dubai vacation.